From the Editors 2013

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v9n6 From the Editors

By Georges Calas, John Valley, Patricia Dove, and Pierrette Tremblay | December, 2013

The editors met in Denver for their annual meeting on Saturday, October 26, just prior to the Geological Society of America conference. This was a departure from the last several years, when our meeting was held in conjunction with the Goldschmidt Conference. We welcomed Gordon Brown, whose term of office will officially start on January 1.

v9n5 From the Editors

By Pierrette Tremblay and  Barb Dutrow| October, 2013

We thank Russell Rajendra and Kevin Murphy of the Mineralogical Society for staffing the Elements booth during the Goldschmidt Conference in Florence. The original plan was that the Mineralogical Society would help to man the Elements booth along with staffing their own booth. Early on during the conference, Russell decided to merge the booths together in the Elements location. The booth was well located near the front door and the registration desk, so traffic was good.

v9n4 From the Editors

By Pierrette Tremblay | August, 2013

Shortly after the last issue went to press, I provided Seth Davis of the Geochemical Society with a short text to announce the issue in Geochemical News (I also provide such notices to all business man agers/society news editors). He thought he would write a special item for Elements’ 50th issue the following week. I responded by suggesting that it would be interesting to ask people what their favorite issue was. Within a day, we had a survey ready to go, and we asked participating societies to distribute the Web link. Thanks Seth for making it happen!

v9n3 From the Editors

 June, 2013

v9n2 From the Editors

By Pierrette Tremblay | April, 2013

Time sure flies when you are having fun! It seems like yesterday that Tim joined the Elements editorial team, but his three-year term ended at the close of 2012. I first met Tim at the 2003 GSA meeting, when negotiations between the newly formed Executive Committee of Elements and the Geochemical Society were happening. Tim was vice-president of the Geochemical Society at that time, and I venture to say that he was instrumental in getting the GS board to agree to join Elements. I next met him at a party held during the 2008 Goldschmidt Conference in honor of his retirement. It was obvious that Tim was held in great affection by colleagues and former students alike. I especially remember a young student in awe of meeting the author of The Geochemistry of Natural Water. I got my “Friend of Tim” button, and it is still in my memento box.

v9n1 From the Editors

By Pierrette Tremblay, James I. Drever, John Valley | February, 2013

With the start of 2013, Patricia M. (Trish) Dove joins the Elements team as a principal editor. Trish is the C. P. Miles Professor of Science in the Department of Geosciences at Virginia Tech. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Virginia Tech, then her PhD at Princeton, and she completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford. Trish is one of the outstanding geo chemists of her generation. She has made wide ranging contributions in the biogeochemistry of Earth processes, which includes mineral surface processes at the molecular scale, the kinetics of geochemical processes, mineral–microbe interactions, and biomineralization.

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