From the Editors 2008

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v4n6 From the Editors

By Susan Stipp, David Vaughan, and Bruce Watson, Susan Stipp, David vaughan, and Pierrette TremblayHap McSween | December, 2008

“Nano” has become a very fashionable word, and as guest editor Mike Hochella points out in his lead article, nanotechnology is now a multi billion dollar business. This issue brings to the fore the fact that nanoparticles have always been part of our environment, hence the importance of studying natural nanoparticles and their impact on our health and environment in order to illuminate the potential impact of engineered nanoparticles. This issue also makes clear that every crystal goes through a “nano” phase in its growth. One can also be awed by the fact that we are on the verge of acquiring the technological capability to image the structure of single nanoparticles.

v4n5 From the Editors

By Pierrette Tremblay, Susan l. S. Stipp | October, 2008

This issue presents the current state of science on the topic of CO2 sequestration. Five thematic articles discuss the technical aspects and the logistical pros and cons of the various CO2storage options now being evaluated. This issue required extraordinary care and attention to detail because of its relevance to the ongoing debate about climate change, and Principal Editor Susan Stipp worked very hard with the guest editors and authors to ensure a timely and balanced coverage. We thank them all for their commitment and patience.

v4n4 From the Editors

By BruceWatson,SusanStipp, and David Vaughan,Principal Editors, and Pierrette Tremblay | August, 2008

Part of each principal editors meeting is devoted to reviewing proposals for future thematic issues. We had ten proposals on hand to review. We asked for revised proposals for three of them and we plan to slate them in 2010 if there visions are accepted.

v4n3 From the Editors

Pierrette Tremblay, Bruce Watson, Susan Stipp, and David Vaughan | June, 2008

We will kick off 2009 with an issue on bentonite (Derek Bain, Guest Editor). In April, we will follow with an updated view of the Moon (John Delano), in June with an issue on gems and gemology (Emmanuel Fritsch), and in August with an issue on mineral magnetism (Joshua M. Weinberg and Richard Harrison). Topics for the remainder of 2009 and early 2010 will be selected at our editorial meeting. We have the enviable position of having received many exciting proposals to choose from. Our concern will be to ensure that the needs of all our members are met.

v4n2From the Editors

By Pierrette Tremblay | April, 2008

Ian wrote in his last editorial, “When you reach a certain age you tend to assume you are becoming a bit of a dinosaur” (Elements vol ume 4, pages 3–4). In spite of being the “senior” in our group, the two qualities that best describe Ian are his boyish enthusiasm— for life, for research, for his family—and his energy. He jumped right into the Elements adventure, took on tasks that seemed insurmountable, and pulled them off elegantly. Ian is also a gifted writer—and many of his editorials and ‘Parting Shots’ have struck a chord with readers. Ian has definite ideas on how things should be done, but at the same time, he shows a lot of flexibility and easily rallies to group decisions

v4n1 From the Editors

By E. Ian Parsons,Bruce Watson, Susan Stippand Pierrette Tremblay | February, 2008

 Even though we have been blessed with wonderful guest editors since day one, David Wark and Calvin Miller made our job a breeze: they had a clear vision of the level at which they wanted to aim the articles—a level that corresponded exactly with ours— and they scrupulously followed instructions and deadlines. We thank them and the authors they assembled.

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