From the Editors 2005

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v1n6 From the Editors

By Rod Ewing, Mike Hochella, Ian Parsons, Bruce Watson, and Pierrette Tremblay | December, 2005

As we close the last issue for 2005, we are now into the rhythm of publishing issue after issue. The beat will pick up considerably, however, as we move to publishing six issues a year in 2006. We are pleased with the 2006 lineup and offer you a sneak preview starting on the next page. And we always enjoy hearing from you. Several of our features depend in part on your involvement. Has a colleague been recognized for his or her work?—Consider submitting a short note for People in the News. Have you read an amazing paper?—Drop us a note so we can consider it for the Editors’ Pick. Let us know if there is a topic you would like to read about in a future issue of Elements or even better, consider submitting a proposal.

v1n4 From the Editors

By Rod Ewing, Mike Hochella, Ian Parsons, and Pierrette Tremblay | September, 2005

You will find enclosed with this issue of Elements our first “Mineralogy/Geochemistry Societies Annual Catalogue.” Please keep it, or forward it to a colleague, a student, or your library. If each of you encouraged a colleague or a student to join one of the participating societies, the mineralogy–geochemistry–petrology community would double instantly. Imagine our impact! Membership to any of the participating societies includes a subscription to Elements. The idea of a multi-society catalogue is not new. It was first put forward by Kevin Murphy of the Mineralogical Society several years ago. At that time, even though interest was expressed, the idea did not move forward beyond the discussion stage. Since Elements offers participating societies a way to promote their publications to a wider audience than their own membership, all the societies embraced the idea and “bought” pages of the catalogue. We plan to produce such a catalogue once a year.

v1n2 From the Editors

By Pierrette Tremblay | March, 2005

While working on this issue, I learned a lot about diamonds and the unique contribution their study has made to our understanding of the mantle. Studying diamonds can be a glamorous occupation at times, as this picture of George Harlow attests. When George sent me the picture for fun, I begged him to allow me to use it.

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