Author name: Allison M. Macfarlane

Nuclear Energy and Uranium Resources

The amount of electricity generated by nuclear power plants may increase in the next few decades, as this form of energy is one of the few that are proven, reliable, and relatively carbon dioxide free. A question often asked about nuclear power is how long its main resource, uranium, will last. In the face of a large expansion of nuclear power to deal with climate change considerations, we revisit the question of the adequacy of the uranium resource and show that there is adequate supply for at least the next century and probably more.

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Energy: The Issue of the 21st Century

Energy usage makes modern life possible. Without it we would have no communications, transportation, food, health, and many other services and products that we rely on daily. Energy issues are moving to the forefront in the 21st century because of constraints imposed by increasing energy needs, climate change, energy security, and the apparent decline of fossil fuel resources. The main challenge is how to provide more energy for more people worldwide while at the same time reducing greenhouse gas and pollution emissions and providing secure and plentiful energy supplies. There is no silver bullet, so a variety of energy resources and technologies will be required.

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