Author name: Bernd Grambow

Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Clay

Keeping future generations safe from today’s nuclear waste relies on this waste being effectively isolated for all time. Clay rocks, or rocks with a high clay content, offer promising isolation properties over time periods that are as long as the age of their host geological formations. Constructing a repository in such material does not significantly change the clay’s isolation properties, which is a great advantage. Isolation is a function of the interplay between the slow release of radionuclides from the waste, the diffusion-controlled radionuclide migration, the establishment of a reducing geochemical environment, and the weak solubility and strong retention of the most toxic radionuclides on clay minerals and on additional engineered barrier materials.

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Interactions between Nuclear Fuel and Water at the Fukushima Daiichi Reactors

Used nuclear fuel is a redox-sensitive semiconductor consisting of uranium dioxide containing a few percent of fission products and up to about one percent transuranium elements, mainly plutonium. The rapid increase in temperature in the cores of the Fukushima reactors was caused by the loss of coolant in the aftermath of the damage from the tsunami. Temperatures probably well above 2000°C caused melting of not only the UO2 in the fuel but also the zircaloy cladding and steel, forming a quenched melt, termed corium. Substantial amounts of volatile fission products, such as Cs and I, were released during melting, but the less volatile fission products and the actinides (probably >99.9%) were incorporated into the corium as the melt cooled and was quenched. The corium still contains these radionuclides, which leads to a very large long-term radiotoxicity of the molten reactor core. The challenge for environmental scientists is to assess the longterm interactions between water and the mixture of corium and potentially still-existing unmelted fuel, particularly if the molten reactor core is left in place and covered with a sarcophagus for hundreds of years. Part of the answer to this question can be found in the knowledge that has been gained from research into the disposal of spent nuclear fuel in a geologic repository.

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Nuclear Waste Glasses – How Durable?

High-level nuclear wastes (HLW) are the liquid effluents that result from the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. These wastes are typically solidified in a glass for final disposal in deep geologic formations. At present, there is no geologic repository receiving these vitrified wastes. A primary issue in nuclear waste management is whether there can be societal, regulatory, and political confidence that the radiotoxic constituents of HLW can be safely disposed of for hundreds of thousands of years. If a glass waste form, placed at a depth of hundreds of meters, is stable and essentially insoluble in groundwater, it would be almost impossible for radioactivity to reach the environment. This paper summarizes the state of knowledge of glass performance in a geologic repository and examines the question of whether the long-term stability of the glass and radionuclide retention can be assured.

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