Author name: Federico Pezzotta

Tourmaline: The Kaleidoscopic Gemstone

With their multitude of colors, gem tourmalines are among the most popular colored gemstones. Spectacular color-zoned tourmalines are valued as gems and crystal specimens, and some complexly zoned crystals contain nearly the entire spectrum of color variation found in the mineral world. The top-quality “neon” blue-to-green, copper-bearing tourmaline, the Paraíba-type, is one of the highest-priced colored gemstones, with values comparable to those of some diamonds. The wide variety and intensity of colors are related primarily to color-producing ions in the structure and to exposure to natural radiation. Gem tourmalines that form in magmatic, pegmatitic environments are most commonly elbaite and fluorliddicoatite species, and the rarer gem tourmalines that develop in metamorphic rocks are generally dravite–uvite species.

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Gem Formation, Production, and Exploration: Why Gem Deposits Are Rare and What is Being Done to Find Them

The geology of gem deposits is a relatively new area of research focused on understanding the rare and exceptional geologic conditions that give rise to gem-quality materials. These conditions may include the availability of sometimes uncommon major constituents, the presence of adequate chromophores, limited concentrations of undesirable elements, open space, an environment conducive to forming crystals of sufficient size and transparency, and a favorable environment for mining. Future research should aid exploration, which until recently has been nonsystematic and nonexistent for many gem minerals, with diamond as the notable exception.

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