Author name: Taber G. Hersum

Igneous Textures: On the Kinetics behind the Words

That igneous textures can be collectively described, classified, and related to magma composition, style of emplacement, and spatial position speaks deeply to the existence of a specific set of fundamental kinetic processes controlling all magma crystallization. Textures record magma life history, telling the most recent, local conditions of cooling and also where the magma has been. Yet it is largely a mystery how silicate melts crystallize, how they become what they are, and, especially, how the final texture relates to the early transient textures more closely linked to the governing kinetics of nucleation and growth. These rich and intriguing processes can be understood by deciphering textures. This is done by first dismantling and quantifying them, then by rebuilding them and simulating magma crystallization and transport, and last by taking the results to the final court of appeal, the rocks themselves.

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Dynamics of Magmatic Systems

An intimate physical and chemical interplay between crystals and melt in magmatic systems gives rise to a vast diversity of igneous rocks and the very structure of terrestrial planets. Yet the actual physical means by which this happens is unclear. The long-standing notion of crystals nucleating, growing, and settling ad infinitum from the interior of large pools of magma to eventually form continental rocks is foundering. Processes operating at the smallest scales within marginal solidification fronts and in mingling crystal slurries throughout highly integrated, vertically extended mush columns give rise to planetary-scale effects.

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