Author name: Jill D. Pasteris

Bone and Tooth Mineralization: Why Apatite?

Through evolution, vertebrates have “chosen” the calcium phosphate mineral apatite to mineralize their teeth and bones. This article describes the key characteristics of apatite in biological mineralization and explores how the apatite structure allows biology to control mineral composition and functionality. Through the synthesis and testing of calcium phosphates for biomaterials applications, we have gained further understanding of how sensitive the chemical and physical properties of apatite are to its growth conditions.

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Phosphate Mineral Reactivity and Global Sustainability

Phosphorus is a unique element. It is the limiting nutrient controlling biological productivity in many terrestrial and marine environments. When in excess, however, dissolved phosphate leads to uncontrollable biological growth and water-quality problems through a process called eutrophication. The use of phosphate minerals and their products as fertilizers has increased tremendously global food production; it would not be possible to feed the current world population without phosphate fertilizers. Yet phosphate is a limited global resource; current estimates suggest economic phosphorus supply may be severely depleted over the next 100 years. Never – theless, mineralogists and geochemists have invested little time investigating phosphate mineral stability, reactivity, and transformations. This issue attempts to bring phosphates to the forefront of our scientific endeavours.

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