Author name: Jonathan O’Neil

Earth’s Earliest Crust

The scarcity of rocks preserved from the first billion years (Gy) of Earth’s history hinders our ability to study the nature of the earliest crust. Rare >4.0-Gy-old zircons confirm that felsic crust was present within 500 million years of Earth’s formation. Given that most of that ancient crust has been destroyed, geochemical and isotopic tracers applied to rocks from the oldest sections of continents can be used to provide insights into the nature of the predecessor crust. Evidence from Earth’s oldest rocks and minerals suggests multiple early mantle depletion episodes, possibly linked to the formation of an initial, dominantly mafic, crust. This early crust was the precursor to evolved rocks that now constitute considerable portions of Earth’s oldest surviving crust.

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Applications of PGE Radioisotope Systems in Geo- and Cosmochemistry

The platinum-group elements contain three radioisotope systems that have been used in many and varied ways in geo- and cosmochemistry. Unique chronological applications include dating the formation of such diverse materials as sulfides, gold, organic-rich sediments, iron meteorites, and sulfide inclusions in diamonds. These systems also serve as isotope tracers for processes such as continental erosion, the deposition of extraterrestrial materials on Earth’s surface, crust–mantle differentiation, recycling of subducted crust into the mantle, core–mantle exchange, and volatile-element depletion of planets and planetesimals. Although these systems have been in use for only a short time, the discoveries they have provided bode well for their incorporation as staples in the geochemical toolbox.

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