Author name: Davide Novella

Deep Hydrogen Reservoirs and Longevity

The oceans are voluminous H2O reservoirs that regulate climate and life on Earth. Yet much larger H2O reservoirs, potentially accounting for several oceans, may exist in the Earth’s mantle and core in the form of H atoms trapped into the structure of nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMs). H atoms trapped into the structure of nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMs) and metallic alloys. Determining the size of these ‘hidden oceans’ is key to understanding planetary evolution and surface dynamics and can be done by combining data from rare natural samples with experimental and theoretical models. The longevity of these deep H reservoirs is controlled by H transport rates over geological times, which are dominated by percolation rates, once H partitions into melts, or by plate mobility, if H remains locked in NAMs.

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Deforming the Upper Mantle—Olivine Mechanical Properties and Anisotropy

The interior of the Earth remains our last terra incognita, inaccessible to direct observations. Our understanding of the deformation of the mantle, which shapes our planet through convection and plate tectonics, is based on analysis of: (1) rare mantle rocks carried to the Earth’s surface by volcanic or tectonic processes, (2) the consequences of this deformation on the planet’s surface, and (3) geophysical data. These observables combined with laboratory experiments and numerical modeling imply that olivine deforms via the motion of defects within its crystalline structure and along grain boundaries. Ductile deformation by these crystal-scale processes results in anisotropic propagation of seismic waves, which allows us to probe upper-mantle deformation at scales of tens to hundreds of kilometers.

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