Microdiamonds in Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks
Since the first report of microdiamonds of metamorphic origin in crustal rocks of the Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan, diamonds have been described from several other ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamor- phic terranes. In situ diamond is the best indicator of ultrahigh-pressure conditions (>4 GPa), and testifies to subduction of continental crust to depths within the diamond stability field followed by relatively rapid exhu- mation. In contrast to other UHP terranes, the Kokchetav Massif contains rocks with unusually abundant diamonds, particularly in the Kumdy-Kol region. Kumdy-Kol diamonds exhibit diverse morphologies, dependent upon the host rock. Raman and cathodoluminescence spectra and carbon isotope composi- tions differ between core and rim, indicating two distinct growth stages.
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