Thematic Articles

Natural Wonders Formed by Minerals

Mineral nucleation and growth can produce remarkable structures in nature. Unique examples include the colossal gypsum crystals from Naica (Mexico), the stalactites/stalagmites in Zhijin Cave (China), and the colorful hydrothermal structures of Dallol (Ethiopia). These formations exemplify the beauty and complexity that can emerge from rather simple mineral nucleation and growth processes. Beyond that, they reflect specific conditions, including near-equilibrium states, extreme salinities, or exceptional slow growth rates. As these conditions are nearly impossible to replicate in a laboratory setting, these natural systems offer unique insights into geochemical processes.

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Natural Wonders Formed by Minerals Read More »

Pathways for Nucleation and Growth in Confined Spaces and at Interfaces

Mineral crystallization is central to myriad natural processes from the formation of snowflakes to stalagmites, but the molecular-scale mechanisms are often far more complex than models reflect. Feedbacks between the hydro-, bio-, and geo-spheres drive complex crystallization processes that challenge our ability to observe and quantify them, motivating an expansion of crystallization theories. In this article, we discuss how the driving forces and timescales of nucleation are influenced by factors ranging from simple geometric confinement to distinct interfacial solution structures involving solvent organization, electrical double layers, and surface charging effects. Taken together, these ubiquitous natural phenomena can preserve metastable intermediates, drive precipitation of undersaturated phases, and modulate crystallization in time and space.

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Pathways for Nucleation and Growth in Confined Spaces and at Interfaces Read More »

How Minerals Grow: From Monomer-By-Monomer to Particle-Mediated Pathways

Once nucleation is established, mineral growth is the process by which crystals increase in size, either through the addition of individual ions (monomers) or the attachment of more complex species that range from oligomers to nanoparticles. The relative contribution of these two mechanisms, which may occur separately or simultaneously, varies with fluid properties such as supersaturation as well as crystallographic characteristics wherein nonclassical mechanisms involving particle attachment are often more prevalent at early stages of crystallization and classical growth by monomers is dominant at later stages. However, there is no general rule for the type of crystal growth dominating in any given scenario as the interaction of aqueous fluid properties, together with kinetic and thermodynamic factors, will determine the pathway for growth. Ultimately the growth pathway(s) of minerals determines properties such as crystal habit and defect density. The environments where mineralization occurs are as diverse as the materials themselves and require state-of-the-art techniques to probe the details of their formation. Here, we review the current understanding of pathways by which mineral growth occurs in geological, biological, and synthetic processes.

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How Minerals Grow: From Monomer-By-Monomer to Particle-Mediated Pathways Read More »

The Birth of Minerals: From Single Step to Multiple Step Mechanisms

Mineral formation from ions in aqueous solutions begins with complex initial stages, where amorphous and liquid-like precursors play pivotal roles before crystalline growth occurs. Both classical and non-classical nucleation and growth theories, introduced in previous chapters, offer explanations, each with their own strengths and limitations, for the complex intermediate phases observed in experimental research. Analytical techniques play a critical role in detecting and characterizing precursor phases, offering valuable insights into nucleation and growth mechanisms across various temporal and spatial scales. Molecular dynamics and modelling provide in-depth perspectives on these phases, allowing for a closer examination of their nucleation and growth mechanisms at the molecular level, and revealing the intricate processes that govern their behaviour.

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The Birth of Minerals: From Single Step to Multiple Step Mechanisms Read More »

Early Stages of Mineral Formation in Water: From Ion Pairs to Crystals

Minerals can precipitate from aqueous solutions via a fascinating variety of pathways. Classically, these pathways were thought to be initiated by a single-step nucleation mechanism. Over the past two decades, several investigations revealed that minerals can form through multi-step processes, from dissolved single ions to the final stable crystal. Depending on the mineral system under investigation and its environment, alternative mechanisms are possible, including ion-by-ion aggregation and agglomeration of clusters of ions. Intermediate species can be intriguingly variable: from ion pairs and ion clusters, to dense liquids, amorphous phases, meso- and (charged) nanocrystals. Here we provide a summarized overview of our current knowledge about processes taking place during the prenucleation stage.

Early Stages of Mineral Formation in Water: From Ion Pairs to Crystals Read More »

A Mineral World

Minerals are indispensable components of our daily lives, sought after for their importance in natural and industrial processes, as well as their aesthetic appeal. There have long been established theories on mineral formation mechanisms, but many questions remain unanswered, and evidence suggests that our traditional view of crystallization is too simplistic. In recent decades, there has been a renaissance in this field, with new studies shedding light on the underlying physical processes. This introductory chapter aims to provide readers with a concise overview of the intricate world of mineral crystallization and its relevance in various research fields, including biomineralization, geochemistry, and industrial applications.

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Himalayan Leucogranites: Rare-metal Resources

Himalayan leucogranites were once overlooked for rare-metal resources because they initially were thought to have formed by in-situ partial melting of underlying high-grade metamorphic rocks. However, recent findings have revealed widespread rare-metal mineralizations of Be, Nb/Ta, Li/ Rb/Cs, and W/Sn associated with leucogranites in the area, suggesting these mineralizations resulted from extensive fractionation of leucogranitic magmas during long-distance magma transport along the low-angle South Tibetan Detachment System. When combined with coeval Au-Sb-Pb/Zn mineralizations in the Himalayas of the Indian plate, and porphyry Cu-Mo mineralizations in the Gangdese of the Asian plate, a specific Himalayan-type mineralization is proposed to describe the metallogenesis related to the exhumation of the subducted Indian continent, coinciding with the uplift of the Himalayan mountains.

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Himalayan Leucogranites: A Geochemical Perspective

The geochemical characterization of Himalayan leucogranites offers important insights into both their petrogenesis and Himalayan orogenic processes. Himalayan leucogranites are characterized by strongly peraluminous compositions that are comparable to melts derived from anatexis of sedimentary rocks. Their radiogenic (Sr, Nd, and Hf) isotopic compositions point to metasediments from the Higher Himalayan Sequence of the Indian plate as the primary source rocks, with minor contributions from other lithologies. Himalayan leucogranites display considerable variability in trace element ratios (e.g., Rb/Sr, Nb/Ta, Zr/Hf, and Eu/Eu*) and significant fractionation of non-traditional stable isotopes (e.g., Mg, K, Zn, Rb, and Ba), which provide key constraints on the respective roles of source heterogeneity, crystal fractionation, magma–fluid interaction, and crustal melting in their formation.

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Himalayan Leucogranites: An Experimental Petrology Perspective

The High Himalayan leucogranites (HHL) are produced by muscovite breakdown of a metapelitic source, at temperatures below 800°C, with initial melt water contents of ~5–7 wt.%. The tourmaline-rich HHL variety is colder, possibly a fractionation product of the hotter two-mica HHL. HHL lack restites such as iron-rich garnet, which, when present, is Mn-rich, signaling fractionation processes. The low redox state of HHL mirrors that of their graphite-bearing source, yet there is evidence of a significant increase in fO2 during crystallization of some HHL. Their relationships with regional deformation call for late emplacement of the main bodies, which must have cooled at 3–4 kb to allow muscovite crystallization, which in turn imposes stringent constraints on unroofing rates of the collisional chain.

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Himalayan Leucogranites: A Minimal Role in Deformation

A popular model of Himalayan metamorphic and structural evolution argues that partial melting of deeply buried rocks triggered crustal weakening, ductile flow, orogenic collapse, and genesis of leucogranites. Here, we review the origins and evolution of partial melts and leucogranites to demonstrate that they are largely incidental to deformation. Although a pulse of orogenic collapse and leucogranite crystallization occurred at 15–25 Ma, pervasive partial melts formed as much as 20 My earlier. Thus, leucogranites date extraction and transport, not necessarily melting onset. Extensional structures and distributed extensional strain occur in many rocks that lack partial melt and leucogranites, indicating these are not prerequisite to facilitate orogenic collapse. Most mass transfer appears to occur via thrusting, even in partially molten rocks.

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