Thematic Articles

Garnet in the Earth’s Mantle

Aluminous garnet, (Mg,Fe2+,Ca)3(Al,Cr)2Si3O12, is an important constituent of mantle peridotite (~10%) and of the other abundant upper mantle rock, eclogite (~50%). Its unusual crystal chemistry means that it strongly prefers some trace elements and confers a “garnet signature” on mantle melts. As depth increases from 250 to 600 km, garnet increases in abundance in mantle rocks, dissolving large fractions of the other silicates and becoming Si rich (majoritic). These compositional changes are observed in some garnets found as inclusions in diamond. Garnet disappears from mantle assemblages at about 700 km depth, where it is replaced by an even denser silicate, perovskite.

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Garnet: Common Mineral, Uncommonly Useful

Garnet is a widespread mineral in crustal metamorphic rocks, a primary constituent of the mantle, a detrital mineral in clastic sediments, and an occasional guest in igneous rocks. Garnet occurs in ultramafic to felsic bulk-rock compositions, and its growth and stability span from

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Garnet: Common Mineral, Uncommonly Useful Read More »

Geophysical Evidence for Silicic Crustal Melt in the Continents: Where, What Kind, and How Much?

The accumulation of sizeable volumes of magma in the upper crust may produce plutons and/or result in supereruptions. Geophysical observations provide constraints on the rates, volumes, and melt distributions in magmatic systems, but they suffer from limited resolution and inherent nonuniqueness. Different, yet complementary, geophysical approaches must be combined with petrological, laboratory, and geochemical measurements. We summarize the results from such a combined approach from the central Andes. Taking a global perspective on large silicic systems reveals that several have >10% partial melt over large areas (10s of km2), and there may be localized zones with 50% or more.

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Geophysical Evidence for Silicic Crustal Melt in the Continents: Where, What Kind, and How Much? Read More »

Crustal Magmatic Systems from the Perspective of Heat Transfer

Crustal magmatic systems are giant heat engines, fed from below by pulses of hot magma, and depleted by loss of heat to their surroundings via conduction or convection. Heat loss drives crystallization and degassing, which change the physical state of the system from relatively low-viscosity, eruptible melt, to high-viscosity, immobile, partially molten rock. We explore the temporal evolution of incrementally grown magmatic systems using numerical models of heat transfer. We show that their physical characteristics depend on magma emplacement rates and that the majority of a magma system’s lifetime is spent in a highly crystalline state. We speculate about what we can, and cannot, learn about magmatic systems from their volcanic output.

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Crustal Magmatic Systems from the Perspective of Heat Transfer Read More »

Experimental Constraints on the Formation of Silicic Magmas

A rich history of experimental petrology has revealed the paths by which silicic igneous rocks follow mineral–melt equilibria during differentiation. Subdividing these rocks by ‘molar Al versus Ca + Na + K’ illustrates first-order differences in mineralogy and gives insight into formation mechanisms. Peraluminous magmas, formed by partial melting of sediments, largely owe their attributes and compositions to melting reactions in the protoliths, whereas most metaluminous felsic magmas record both continental and mantle inputs. Peralkaline rhyolites are mainly derived from either protracted crystallization or small degrees of partial melting of basalt, with only a marginal crustal contribution. Most silicic magmas hold 3–7 wt% H2Omelt, which is inversely correlated with pre-eruptive temperature (700 °C to >950 °C) but unrelated to their reduced/oxidized state.

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The Life and Times of Silicic Volcanic Systems

Silicic volcanic systems provide timed snapshots at the Earth’s surface of the magmatic processes that also build complementary plutons in the crust. Links between these two realms are considered here using three Quaternary (<2.6 Ma) examples from New Zealand and the USA. In these systems, magmatic processes can be timed and the changes in magmatic conditions can be followed through the sequence of quenched volcanic eruption products. Before an eruption, magma accumulation processes can occur on timescales as short as decades, and whole magma systems can be rebuilt in millennia. Silicic volcanic processes, in general, act on timescales that are too rapid to be effectively measured in the exposed plutonic record.

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The Pace of Plutonism

Beneath volcanoes are magmas that never erupt but that become frozen into feldspar- and quartz-rich rocks broadly called granite. Where the crystallized magmas form bodies with distinctive textures, they are grouped into named units—plutons. The rate (pace) at which magmas accumulate into plutons is fundamental to understanding both how room is made for the magmas and how unerupted and erupted magmas are connected. Dating plutonic rocks suggests that plutons accumulate slowly. Although the pace of magma accumulation does not preclude direct connections between plutons and small volcanic eruptions, it appears to be far too slow to support connections between most plutons and supereruptions.

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Silicic Magmatism and the Volcanic–Plutonic Connection

The relationships between silicic volcanic and plutonic rocks have long puzzled geologists because the rich set of observations from petrology, geochronology, thermal modeling, geophysical techniques, and geochemistry have led to contradictory interpretations. Although compositional evolutionary trends leading to granite and rhyolite are congruent, it is not clear if rhyolites are formed by the extraction of melt from shallow crystal mushes that otherwise solidify to form granite plutons, or are derived from a greater depth in parallel with granite plutons, or are formed by processes separate from those which form granite plutons. Finding a consistent explanation for the silicic volcanic–plutonic relationship bears on important Earth science questions, including, “How is silicic continental crust formed?” and, “Can we predict supereruptions?”

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Silicic Magmatism and the Volcanic–Plutonic Connection Read More »

Nitrogen in Extraterrestrial Environments: Clues to the Possible Presence of Life

Nitrogen is a critical element for living organisms on Earth. While atmospheric N2 is plentiful, organisms find it difficult to metabolize, requiring chemical modifications that are rare or absent in abiotic chemistry. Living organisms reduce N2 to NH3 with elaborate, energy-intensive, biochemical processing to create nitrogen-bearing carbon compounds essential for life. Astrobiologists have long discussed what role nitrogen could play in shaping life on other planets. Work on Martian meteorites has provided new insights into nitrogen cycling on Mars. Research on meteorites ties into investigations by NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory that are providing on-theground information to piece together a more cohesive picture of the importance of nitrogen for establishing a habitable environment.

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Nitrogen in Extraterrestrial Environments: Clues to the Possible Presence of Life Read More »

Nitrogen Isotopes and Mantle Geodynamics: The Emergence of Life and the Atmosphere– Crust–Mantle Connection

Nitrogen shows unique features among the volatile elements. To be cycled, atmospheric di-nitrogen (N2) needs to be reduced, which is efficiently done by bacterial processes. Crustal uptake of nitrogen and its eventual recycling into the mantle is thus primarily mediated by the biosphere. There is also a marked isotopic contrast between the mantle (15N depleted) and the Earth’s surface (15N enriched). Although the cause of such disequilibrium is not fully understood, it provides insights into mantle–surface interactions over geological time, including recycling of surface sediments into the deep mantle.

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