Thematic Articles

Unique, Antique Vesta

Most asteroids are collisional rubble from eons past, and few of them have survived intact. Vesta, the second most massive asteroid, is the only differentiated, rocky body in this category. This asteroid provides a unique view of the kinds of planetesimals that accreted to form the terrestrial planets. We know more about this asteroid than any other, thanks to its recently completed exploration by the orbiting Dawn spacecraft and studies of the ~1000 meteorites derived from it. The synergy provided by in situ analyses and samples has allowed an unparalleled understanding of Vesta’s mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, and geochronology.

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Asteroid 2008 TC3 and the Fall of Almahata Sitta, a Unique Meteorite Breccia

On October 6, 2008, the small (~4 m) asteroid 2008 TC3 was discovered and predicted to hit Earth within ~19 hours. Photometric data and a refl ectance spectrum were obtained. The asteroid fragmented at ~37 km altitude above Sudan. Approximately 700 centimeter-sized fragments were recovered and constitute the meteorite Almahata Sitta. It is a unique meteorite breccia, consisting of ~50–70% ureilitic materials, plus samples of nearly every major chondrite group. The refl ectance spectrum of 2008 TC3 is closest to that of F-class asteroids, not previously associated with any meteorite type. 2008 TC3/Almahata Sitta records a complex history of fragmentation, migration, and reaccretion of materials in the Solar System.

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Establishing Asteroid–Meteorite Links

Asteroids are arguably the most accessible remnants of building blocks of the early Solar System and an essential piece of the terrestrial planet–formation puzzle. Determining their compositions and physical properties can provide important and otherwise unobtainable information concerning the origin, structure, and dynamic history of the Solar System, as well as insights into the sources of materials from which the terrestrial planets were constructed. Our understanding of the compositional structure of the asteroid belt and of individual asteroids has advanced significantly since the 1970s. Strong associations between asteroids and meteorites are emerging thanks to multitechnique observations, the synthesis of observations and modeling, in situ measurements, and sample-return missions.

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Formation and Physical Properties of Asteroids

Asteroids are the leftover precursors to the terrestrial planets. Before the first images of them were sent from space, our knowledge of asteroids relied entirely on ground-based observations and meteorite analysis. Spacecraft images revolutionized our knowledge and geological understanding of their physical properties. They also showed us that asteroids are subjected to various kinds of processes and are incredibly diverse in size, shape, structure, composition, and rotational properties. Therefore, space missions remain necessary to enhance our knowledge of the various components of the asteroid population. In addition, numerical modeling is required to interpret spacecraft images and improve our understanding of the physical processes asteroids experience over their lifetime.

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Asteroids: New Challenges, New Targets

At present, we know of ~600,000 asteroids in the asteroid belt, and there are very likely millions more. Orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, they are thought to be the shattered remnants of small bodies formed within the young Sun’s solar nebula that never accreted enough material to become planets. These “minor bodies” are therefore keys to understanding how the Solar System formed and evolved. As leftover planetary building blocks, they are of great importance in understanding planetary compositions. They may also provide clues to the origin of life, as similar bodies may have delivered organics and water to the early Earth. For these reasons, several international space agencies have funded sample-return missions to asteroids.

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Granitic Pegmatites as Reflections of Their Sources

Pegmatites accentuate the trace element signatures of their granitic sources. Through that signature, the origin of pegmatites can commonly be ascribed to granites whose own source characteristics are known and distinctive. Interactions with host rocks that might modify the composition of pegmatites are limited by the rapid cooling and low heat content of pegmatite-forming magmas. The trace element signatures of most pegmatites clearly align with those of S-type (sedimentary source, mostly postcollisional tectonic environment) and A-type (anorogenic environment, lower continental crust ± mantle source) granites. Pegmatites are not commonly associated with I-type (igneous source) granites. The distinction between granites that spawn pegmatites and those that do not appears to depend on the presence or absence, respectively, of fluxing components, such as B, P, and F, in addition to H2O, at the source.

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Granitic Pegmatites as Sources of Colored Gemstones

Pegmatites are sources of gem-quality crystals of beryl, tourmaline, topaz, spodumene, and spessartine. Historic localities are found in Brazil, Madagascar, Russia, and the United States, but important deposits have recently been discovered in Africa and Asia. Most high-quality gem minerals occur in miarolitic cavities found near the centers of pegmatite bodies or in reaction zones between pegmatites and ultramafi c host rocks. The most important gem-bearing granitic pegmatites formed at shallow levels in the continental crust during the latest stages of collisional plate tectonic events. Single, spectacular miarolitic cavities in some pegmatites have produced tons of gem crystals valued in excess of $50 million.

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Granitic Pegmatites as Sources of Strategic Metals

Rare-element granitic pegmatites are well recognized for the diversity and concentrations of metal ores that they host. The supply of some of these elements is of concern, and the European Commission recently designated metals such as tantalum and niobium as “critical materials” or “strategic resources.” Field relationships, mineral chemistry, and experimental constraints indicate that these elements are concentrated dominantly by magmatic processes. The granitic melts involved in these processes are very unusual because they contain high concentrations of fluxing compounds, which play a key role at both the primary magmatic and metasomatic stages. In particular, the latter may involve highly fluxed melts rather than aqueous fluids.

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Granitic Pegmatites: Storehouses of Industrial Minerals

Granitic pegmatites are mined for feldspar, quartz, mica, lithium aluminosilicate minerals, and kaolin. These industrial minerals have a myriad of uses, some as mundane as glasses, porcelains, and bulk fillers, and others that are critical to the most advanced electronic devices. The chemical fractionation that produces pegmatites refines these industrial minerals to a purity that is not achieved in other geologic environments. The high chemical purity of their constituents and the fact that they contain nearly 100% of minable rock make large granitic pegmatites some of the most valuable sources of industrial minerals.

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The Pegmatite Puzzle

Virtually every conceivable model to explain the internal evolution of granitic pegmatites had been proposed by the 1920s. Two of these hypotheses have prevailed: (1) the fractional crystallization of fluxbearing granitic melt inward from the margins of the pegmatite body to the center, and (2) the buoyant separation of an aqueous fluid from the silicate melt and its effects on the redistribution of components. A recent model combining aspects of both concepts invokes the formation of a flux-enriched boundary layer of silicate liquid in advance of a crystallization front. Though most of the internal chemical and textural features of pegmatites can now be reconciled, the puzzle of pegmatites is far from solved.

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