Thematic Articles

How Does the Continental Crust Get Really Hot?

There is widespread evidence that ultrahigh temperatures of 900–1000 °C have been generated in the Earth’s crust repeatedly in time and space. These temperatures were associated with thickened crust in collisional mountain belts and the production of large volumes of magma. Numerical modelling indicates that a long-lived mountain plateau with high internal concentrations of heat-producing elements and low erosion rates is the most likely setting for such extreme conditions. Preferential thickening of alreadyhot back-arc basins and mechanical heating by deformation in ductile shear zones might also contribute to elevated temperatures.

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When the Continental Crust Melts

Partial melting of the continental crust has long been of interest to petrologists as a small-scale phenomenon. Mineral assemblages in the cores of old, eroded mountain chains that formed where continents collided show that the continental crust was buried deeply enough to have melted extensively. Geochemical, experimental, petrological and geodynamic modelling now show that when the continental crust melts the consequences are crustal-scale. The combination of melting and regional deformation is critical: the presence of melt on grain boundaries weakens rocks, and weak rocks deform faster, infl uencing the way mountain belts grow and how rifts propagate. Tectonic forces also drive the movement of melt out of the lower continental crust, resulting in an irreversible chemical differentiation of the crust.

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Iron Ore Deposits Associated with Precambrian Iron Formations

Most large deposits of iron ore are associated with iron formations for the simple reason that they have the highest iron concentrations of any “normal” rock type. Iron formations are found in all Precambrian shields. Iron was preconcentrated in iron formations by surface processes in Precambrian marginal-marine environments, as outlined elsewhere in this issue.

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Iron Ore Deposits Associated with Precambrian Iron Formations Read More »

Iron Minerals in Marine Sediments Record Chemical Environments

Post-depositional chemical reactions involving iron are important in shallow-marine sediments. They play a significant role in governing the types of minerals that precipitate in such settings. The level of iron supply to marine sediments creates contrasting chemical pathways, each producing distinctive mineral assemblages. An understanding of these processes not only offers insights into past sedimentary environments on Earth but also a greater appreciation of the nature of mineral–water–bacteria interactions throughout the shallow-marine realm.

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Iron Minerals in Marine Sediments Record Chemical Environments Read More »

Ferruginous Conditions: A Dominant Feature of the Ocean through Earth’s History

The reconstruction of oceanic paleoredox conditions on Earth is essential for investigating links between biospheric oxygenation and major periods of biological innovation and extinction, and for unravelling feedback mechanisms associated with paleoenvironmental change. The occurrence of anoxic, iron-rich (ferruginous) oceanic conditions often goes unrecognized, but refined techniques are currently providing evidence to suggest that ferruginous deep-ocean conditions were likely dominant throughout much of Earth’s history. The prevalence of this redox state suggests that a detailed appraisal of the influence of ferruginous conditions on the evolution of biogeochemical cycles, climate, and the biosphere is increasingly required.

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Ferruginous Conditions: A Dominant Feature of the Ocean through Earth’s History Read More »

Iron Transport from the Continents to the Open Ocean: The Aging–Rejuvenation Cycle

The biogeochemical cycle of iron plays a key role in the ocean by delivering bioavailable iron that controls plankton productivity. Transport through the iron cycle occurs mainly as nanoparticulate (oxyhydr)- oxides, which are physically and chemically intermediate between aqueous and particulate forms and can be directly or indirectly bioavailable. Iron nanoparticles transform with time to more stable forms by increased crystallinity, aggregation and growth, and they also alter to other nanominerals. These age transformations can be inhibited or reversed. The resulting aging– rejuvenation cycle first produces stability during long-distance transport and then reverses the process such that bioavailable and labile iron can be produced and delivered to the open ocean.

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Iron Transport from the Continents to the Open Ocean: The Aging–Rejuvenation Cycle Read More »

Geomicrobiology of Iron in Extreme Environments

The rapid redox cycling of iron is one of the most pervasive geochemical processes catalyzed by microbial organisms. Numerous microbial metabolisms rely on transferring electrons to and from iron, even in “extreme” environments considered challenging for life due to high acidity, high alkalinity, high temperature, low organic content, or low water abundance. Recent efforts to explore the iron biogeochemistry of extreme systems, such as hydrothermal vents, seafloor basalts, serpentinizing systems, and acid mine drainage, have significantly expanded our expectations regarding the distribution and activity of iron-dependent life on Earth, and potentially other iron-rich silicate planets, such as Mars.

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Geomicrobiology of Iron in Extreme Environments Read More »


Microbes are intimately involved in the iron cycle. First, acquisition of iron by microorganisms for biochemical requirements is a key process in the iron cycle in oxygenated, circumneutral pH environments, where the solubility of Fe (III) (oxyhydr)oxides is extremely low. Second, a number of aerobic (using O2) and anaerobic (living in the absence of O2) autotrophic bacteria gain energy for growth from the oxidation of dissolved and solid-phase Fe(II) compounds to Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides. Third, heterotrophic Fe (III)-reducing bacteria close the chemical loop by reducing solid-phase Fe (III) minerals back to dissolved and solid-phase Fe(II). Together these metabolic processes control the partitioning of the Earth’s fourth most abundant crustal element, and they are additionally tied to the cycling of several major nutrients (e.g. carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur) and trace elements (e.g. phosphorus, nickel) in modern and ancient environments.

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Iron in Earth Surface Systems: A Major Player in Chemical and Biological Processes

As an essential nutrient and energy source for the growth of microbial organisms, iron is metabolically cycled between reduced and oxidized chemical forms. The resulting flow of electrons is invariably tied to reactions with other redox-sensitive elements, including oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur. Therefore, iron is intimately involved in the geochemistry, mineralogy, and petrology of modern aquatic systems and their associated sediments, particulates, and porewaters. In the geological past, iron played an even greater role in marine geochemistry, as evidenced by the vast deposits of Precambrian iron-rich sediments, the “banded iron formations.” These deposits are now being used as proxies for understanding the chemical composition of the ancient oceans and atmosphere.

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Iron in Earth Surface Systems: A Major Player in Chemical and Biological Processes Read More »

Meteorites: An Overview

Meteorites come from numerous parent bodies with a wide variety of geological histories. A few (~0.5%) come from Mars or the Moon; the rest are impact debris from collisions between asteroids orbiting between Mars and Jupiter. Unlike terrestrial, Martian, and lunar rocks, the asteroidal meteorites contain minerals that formed before the Sun and the Solar System, during the growth of planetesimals and planets from the disk of dust and gas around the Sun (“the solar nebula”), and during the first half-billion years of Solar System evolution.

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