Thematic Articles

Metamorphism: From Patterns to Processes

Metamorphic rocks make up a substantial portion of the Earth’s evolving lithosphere. Understanding metamorphism is central to interpreting large-scale geodynamic processes and interactions among the geosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere. In this issue of Elements, we emphasize the critical role of fluids in controlling the rates and mechanisms of metamorphic processes. The patterns observed over a wide range of scales in metamorphic rocks are not just passive recorders of tectonic events. They also reveal that the complex coupling of chemical reactions, transport, and deformation processes that constitute metamorphism sometimes operates surprisingly far from equilibrium.

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Interactions between Semiconducting Minerals and Bacteria under Light

A synergistic reaction pathway has been identified between semiconducting minerals and bacteria. Such reactions sustain electron and energy flow from light to nonphototrophic bacteria via semiconducting minerals, which act as a catalytic shuttle. Understanding this pathway may shed light on a unique ecosystem that potentially carries out phototrophic metabolism without the involvement of phototrophic organisms. Four key natural elements of this system are sunlight, semiconducting minerals, nonphototrophic bacteria, and water. This pathway also suggests a “selfcleansing” mechanism that may exist in nature, whereby both oxidative and reductive degradation of contaminants can occur.

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Microbial Oxidation of Sulfide Tailings and the Environmental Consequences

Mining activities have created great wealth, but they have also produced colossal quantities of tailings. An important source of heavy metal contamination, sulfide tailings are usually disposed of in open-air impoundments and thus are exposed to microbial oxidation. Microbial activities greatly enhance sulfide oxidation and result in the release of heavy metals and the precipitation of iron (oxy) hydroxides and sulfates. These secondary minerals in turn influence the mobility of dissolved metals and play important roles in the natural attenuation of heavy metals. Elucidating the microbe–mineral interactions in tailings will help us mitigate the environmental impacts of mining activities.

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Microbial Oxidation of Sulfide Tailings and the Environmental Consequences Read More »

Clay–Microbe Interactions and Implications for Environmental Mitigation

Clay minerals are ubiquitous in soils, sediments, and sedimentary rocks, and they play important roles in environmental processes. Microbes are also abundant in these geological media, and they interact with clays via a variety of mechanisms, such as reduction and oxidation of structural iron and mineral dissolution and precipitation through the production of siderophores and organic acids. These interactions greatly accelerate clay mineral reaction rates. While it is certain that microbes play important roles in clay mineral transformations, quantitative assessment of these roles is limited. This paper reviews some active areas of research on clay–microbe interactions and provides perspectives for future work.

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Remediation of Chromium and Uranium Contamination by Microbial Activity

Anthropogenic sources of the toxic metals chromium and uranium have contaminated the ecosystem and become major public and political concerns. Biomineralization, a process by which microorganisms transform aqueous metal ions into amorphous or crystalline precipitates, is regarded as a promising and cost-effective strategy for remediating chromium and uranium contamination. This review describes the potential and limitations of bioremediation for these two toxic metals and highlights the importance of biologically mediated transformation, immobilization, and mineralization of toxic metals during the course of remediation. It also provides nonspecialists with an introduction to several of the main approaches to remediation and acknowledges some questions about this technology that remain to be answered.

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Minerals as Substrates for Life: The Prokaryotic View

Conceptually, minerals represent challenging “substrates” (sources of nutrients and/or energy) for prokaryotes because they can transfer only soluble compounds into or out of their cells. Yet, prokaryotes are able to use a wide array of minerals as sources of energy, trace nutrients, electron acceptors and, remarkably, for positioning themselves using the Earth’s magnetic field. Mineral dissolution exposes microorganisms to a wide range of soluble and potentially toxic metals. Conversely, microbial mineralformation processes can entrap cells, producing microfossils. Intuitively, mineral dissolution and mineral precipitation must provide a benefit for the organism, that is, they must supply the cell with the energy and materials needed to maintain cell structure and function.

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Mineral–Microbe Interactions and Implications for Remediation

Minerals and microbes have coevolved throughout much of Earth history. They interact at the microscopic scale, but their effects are manifested macroscopically. Minerals support microbial growth by providing essential nutrients, and microbial activity alters mineral solubility and the oxidation state of certain constituent elements. Microbially mediated dissolution, precipitation, and transformation of minerals are either directly controlled by microorganisms or induced by biochemical reactions that usually take place outside the cell. All these reactions alter metal mobility, leading to the release or sequestration of heavy metals and radionuclides. These processes therefore have implications for ore formation and the bioremediation of contaminated sites.

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Local and Global Environmental Effects of Impacts on Earth

The environmental effects of impact events differ with respect to time (seconds to decades) and spatial (local to global) scales. Short-term localized damage is produced by thermal radiation, blast-wave propagation in the atmosphere, crater excavation, earthquakes, and tsunami. Global and long-term effects are related to the ejection of dust and climate-active gases (carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, water vapor, methane) into the atmosphere. At the end of the Cretaceous, the impact of a >10 km diameter asteroid led to a major mass extinction. Modern civilization is vulnerable to even relatively small impacts, which may occur in the near future, that is, tens to hundreds of years.

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Dating Terrestrial Impact Structures

Hypervelocity impacts of asteroids and comets have played a key role in the evolution of the Solar System and planet Earth. Geochronology, the science that investigates the ages of rocks, has become a preponderant tool for dating impact events and for assessing whether they are related in time to mass extinctions on Earth. Impact events are instantaneous compared to other geological processes and, in theory, represent easy targets for multitechnique geochronology. Yet, only a few terrestrial impact events are accurately and precisely dated. A dating campaign is urgently needed if we are to fully understand the role of impacts in Earth history.

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Distal Impact Ejecta Layers: Spherules and More

During the formation of large impact structures, layers of melted and crushed rock (ejecta) are deposited over large areas of the Earth’s surface. Ejecta thrown farther than 2.5 crater diameters are called distal ejecta. At distances greater than ~10 crater diameters, the distal ejecta layers consist primarily of millimeter-scale glassy bodies (impact spherules) that form from melt and vapor-condensate droplets. At least 28 distal ejecta layers have been identified. Distal ejecta layers can be used to place constraints on cratering models, help fill gaps in the cratering record, and provide direct correlation between impacts and other terrestrial events.

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