Thematic Articles

Bioactive Glass Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration

There is a need for new materials that can stimulate the body’s own regenerative mechanisms and heal tissues. Porous templates (scaffolds) are thought to be required for three-dimensional tissue growth. This article discusses bone regeneration and the specifications of an ideal scaffold and the materials that may be suitable. Bioactive glasses have high potential as scaffold materials as they stimulate bone cells to produce new bone, they are degradable in the body and they bond to bone. The two types of bioactive glasses, their mechanisms for bioactivity and their potential for scaffold production are reviewed. Examples of their current clinical use are highlighted.

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Mineralization of Bones and Teeth

Bones and teeth consist of an inorganic calcium phosphate mineral approximated by hydroxylapatite and matrix proteins. The physical and chemical properties of these “bioapatite” crystals are different from those of geologic hydroxylapatite because of the way they are formed, and these unique properties are required for fulfilling the biological functions of bones and teeth. Recent biochemical studies provide insight into the factors controlling the formation and growth of bioapatite crystals and how alteration in the mineralization process can lead to diseases such as osteoporosis. New spectroscopic and microscopic techniques are enabling scientists to characterize changes in crystal properties in these diseases, providing potentially fruitful areas of collaboration among geochemists, mineralogists, and biological researchers and offering hope for the development of novel therapies.

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Medical Mineralogy and Geochemistry: An Interfacial Science

Medical mineralogy and geochemistry is a highly interdisciplinary area of research where the complexity of minerals and mineral surface reactivity in the human body is emphasized. Research in this field will lead to an understanding of the biogeochemical processes responsible for medical conditions, both normal and pathological that involve the interaction of dissolved inorganic species and bioorganic molecules with minerals. In this article, I highlight some fundamental concepts and challenges in this endeavor, and the subsequent articles provide overviews of specific topics.

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Medical Mineralogy and Geochemistry: An Interfacial Science Read More »

Contributions from Earth’s Atmosphere to Soil

Soils are mixtures of material derived from substrate weathering, plant decomposition, and solute and particulate deposition from the atmosphere. The relative contribution from each source varies widely among soil types and environments. Atmospheric deposition of marine and mineral aerosols can have a major impact on the geochemistry and biogeochemistry of the Critical Zone. Some of the best-studied examples are from ocean islands because of the strong geochemical contrast between bedrock and atmospheric sources, but for the most part continental areas are more severely impacted by atmospheric deposition. With dust flux greater than 10% of the global river sediment flux, deposition from the atmosphere plays an important role in the biogeochemistry of soils worldwide.

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Coupling between Biota and Earth Materials in the Critical Zone

The surface of our planet is the result of billions of years of feedback between biota and Earth materials. The chemical weathering of soils and the resulting stream and ocean chemistry bear the signature of the biological world. Physical shaping of the Earth’s surface in many regions is a biologically mediated process. Given the pervasiveness of life, it is challenging to disentangle abiotic from biotic processes during field observations, yet it is of paramount importance to quantify these interactions and their feedbacks as the human impact on climate and ecosystems becomes more profound. Here we briefly review the fascinating connection between rocks and life and highlight its significance to science and society.

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Soil Biogeochemical Processes within the Critical Zone

Many processes that affect soil and water quality occur at the water wetted interface of weathering products such as clays, oxides, and organic matter. Especially near the sunlit surface of the Critical Zone, these interfaces associate with plant roots and soil organisms to form porous, aggregated structures. Soil aggregates and intervening pore networks give rise to a patchwork of interconnected microenvironments. The ensuing steep geochemical gradients affect weathering processes, fuel the activities of microbes, and drive interfacial reactions that retain and transform rock- or ecosystem-derived chemicals and anthropogenic pollutants.

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Physical and Chemical Controls on the Critical Zone

Geochemists have long recognized a correlation between rates of physical denudation and chemical weathering. What underlies this correlation? The Critical Zone can be considered as a feed-through reactor. Downward advance of the weathering front brings unweathered rock into the reactor. Fluids are supplied through precipitation. The reactor is stirred at the top by biological and physical processes. The balance between advance of the weathering front by mechanical and chemical processes and mass loss by denudation fixes the thickness of the Critical Zone reactor. The internal structure of this reactor is controlled by physical processes that create surface area, determine flow paths, and set the residence time of material in the Critical Zone. All of these impact chemical weathering flux.

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Crossing Disciplines and Scales to Understand the Critical Zone

The Critical Zone (CZ) is the system of coupled chemical, biological, physical, and geological processes operating together to support life at the Earth’s surface. While our understanding of this zone has increased over the last hundred years, further advance requires scientists to cross disciplines and scales to integrate understanding of processes in the CZ, ranging in scale from the mineral–water interface to the globe. Despite the extreme heterogeneities manifest in the CZ, patterns are observed at all scales. Explanations require the use of new computational and analytical tools, inventive interdisciplinary approaches, and growing networks of sites and people.

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Measuring Timescales of Magmatic Evolution

Advances in analytical methods have provided new insights into the timescales of magmatic processes. Data on the abundances of U-series isotopes in bulk rocks and crystal separates indicate magma differentiation over thousands of years. Residence and differentiation times of silicic magmas based on single-crystal, in situ age data vary from 10,000 to 100,000 years, with abundant evidence for crystal recycling from previous intrusive episodes. Chemical zoning patterns in single crystals indicate that processes such as mixing and mingling of magmas and crustal assimilation may occur over much shorter timescales of months to decades. Quantifying the rates of magma generation, emplacement and differentiation constrains the processes involved and may contribute to the evaluation of volcanic hazards.

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Crystal Zoning as an Archive for Magma Evolution

Spatial compositional variations in magmatic minerals record chemical and physical changes in the magma from which they grew. Electron-beam techniques allow high-resolution imaging and quantitative analysis of this compositional archive for major, minor and some trace elements. In this way, magmatic processes such as crystallization, recharge in a magma chamber, decompression during ascent, and convection in the magma chamber can be identified and the history of magmatic systems prior to eruption reconstructed.

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