Thematic Articles

Fractionation of Metal Stable Isotopes by Higher Plants

Higher plants induce chemical reactions in the rhizosphere, facilitating metal uptake by roots. Fractionation of the isotopes in nutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc produces a stable isotope composition in the plants that generally differs from that of the growth medium. Isotope fractionation also occurs during transport of the metals within most plants, but its extent depends on plant species and on the metal, in particular, on the metal’s redox state and what ligand it is bound to. The metal stable isotope variations observed in plants create an isotope signature of life at the Earth’s surface, contributing substantially to our understanding of metal cycling processes in the environment and in individual organisms.

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Combining Metal Stable Isotope Fractionation Theory with Experiments

Theoretical, experimental, and empirical methods for estimating isotope fractionations often complement one another in precision and ease of application. In metal isotope systems, a combined approach to calibrating stable isotope fractionation shows great promise, but it is sometimes necessary to resolve significant disagreements between theoretical models and empirical data. Here we introduce some of the principles and techniques used to estimate metal isotope signatures in low-temperature environments, and we highlight potential sources of uncertainty and error. We also discuss strategies for integrating theoretical calculations with data from laboratory experiments and natural sample suites.

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Combining Metal Stable Isotope Fractionation Theory with Experiments Read More »

Marine Calcification: An Alkali Earth Metal Isotope Perspective

Calcium and magnesium isotope fractionation, recorded in shells of marine organisms that biomineralize calcium carbonate, is helping scientists to understand the transport of trace elements from seawater to the site of calcification, as well as trends in seawater composition throughout time. This knowledge would be difficult to obtain otherwise, and is important, especially now, for assessing the threat of ocean acidification to shell-producing marine organisms.

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Marine Calcification: An Alkali Earth Metal Isotope Perspective Read More »

Reconstructing Paleoredox Conditions through a Multitracer Approach: The Key to the Past Is the Present

Knowledge about paleoredox conditions is essential for reconstructing how the oxygenation of the Earth’s surface environment has changed through time and affected the evolution of life on our planet. Some metal stable isotope systems, such as Mo isotopes, record the extent of ocean oxygenation directly. Others, such as Fe isotopes, record redox conditions indirectly through their effects on biological processes that are sensitive to the presence of oxygen. Studies of modern analogs and experiments have improved our understanding of the processes responsible for the observed isotope trends and have helped to advance the use of these isotope tools for paleoredox reconstructions.

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Reconstructing Paleoredox Conditions through a Multitracer Approach: The Key to the Past Is the Present Read More »

The Odds and Evens of Mercury Isotopes: Applications of Mass-Dependent and Mass-Independent Isotope Fractionation

Mercury (Hg) is a redox-active trace metal that is viewed internationally as a priority pollutant. Research into Hg stable isotope biogeochemistry is rapidly providing new insight into the behavior of Hg. With the recent discovery that Hg can exhibit both mass-dependent (MDF) and mass-independent fractionation (MIF) (range of >6‰ for both), Hg isotopes are providing a valuable new tool for tracing this important toxin through the environment. MDF alone, which occurs during redox transformations, biological cycling, and volatilization of Hg, can be exploited to increase understanding of the processes that control Hg distribution and bioaccumulation. The addition of MIF signatures greatly increases the usefulness of Hg isotopes because MIF provides a unique fingerprint of specific chemical pathways, such as photochemical reduction.

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The Odds and Evens of Mercury Isotopes: Applications of Mass-Dependent and Mass-Independent Isotope Fractionation Read More »

Metal Stable Isotopes in Low-Temperature Systems: A Primer

Recent advances in mass spectrometry have allowed isotope scientists to precisely determine stable isotope variations in the metallic elements. Biologically influenced and truly inorganic isotope fractionation processes have been demonstrated over the mass range of metals. This Elements issue provides an overview of the application of metal stable isotopes to low-temperature systems, which extend across the borders of several science disciplines: geology, hydrology, biology, environmental science, and biomedicine. Information on instrumentation, fractionation processes, data-reporting terminology, and reference materials presented here will help the reader to better understand this rapidly evolving field.

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Metal Stable Isotopes in Low-Temperature Systems: A Primer Read More »

Visual Communication: Do You See What I See?

Visual displays of data, images of subatomic to planetary-scale features, and animations of geological processes are widely used to enrich our disciplines. However, their communicative power may be dramatically different to a student and to an expert because of the need for prior knowledge and inference when interpreting visuals. To “see” equivalent visual information, the non-expert must learn the visual language of the expert. Teaching visual literacy is important to instruction at all levels and is as fundamental to a discipline as its vocabulary. The underlying foundations of visual literacy and the recognition of what one “sees” and interprets in a visual depiction are critical for enhancing student learning and for effective communication in our visually rich discipline.

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Visual Communication: Do You See What I See? Read More »

Using Alignment and Reflection to Improve Student Learning

Greater participation, and the associated increase in student diversity, has changed university education worldwide. The old ways of teaching a small number of well-qualified committed students do not work as well with large classes and more diverse student needs. This essay documents one approach to this challenge. It involves understanding student needs and preferences better, developing a range of ways to deliver learning and assess the results, and finally reflecting on the outcomes. The annual process of reflection allows changes that improve alignment of course aims with their delivery and assessment, and results in improved student learning and perception of the subject.

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Teaching for Deeper Understanding and Lifelong Learning

A growing body of research confirms that active approaches to learning offer many advantages over traditional instructional methods, including improved retention of information, conceptual understanding, and problem-solving skills. Content coverage in active-learning courses can be facilitated through careful selection and design of activities that guide student learning. Importantly, activities should engage groups of students in cooperative questioning, problem solving, analytical reasoning, and critical thinking. Focused instruction and reflection on thinking and learning help students develop as intentional learners.

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What Should Our Students Learn?

Traditionally, college science teachers have focused on delivering content to students. The assumption was that students would learn the information and could recall and use it later. Current research on learning, however, tells us that such an approach to teaching, by itself, is not the best way to promote learning. Learning is not a process that simply involves knowledge transfer. Instead, it is a physiological process that involves changes in the brain. Good teaching, therefore, should focus on helping students develop their cognitive skills, while simultaneously helping them become better learners. Students will learn specific ideas and facts in our classes, but the information learned is of much less importance than the learning and thinking skills acquired. Our overall goal should be to help students become lifelong learners, successful as citizens and professionals. Assessment and self-reflection are keys. Students must learn to reflect on, and assess, their own learning. Instructors must also constantly assess their own efforts to promote student learning.

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