Thematic Articles

Re-equilibration of Zircon in Aqueous Fluids and Melts

Natural zircon crystals often show complex secondary textures that cut across primary growth zones. In zircon showing structural damage caused by self-irradiation, such textures are the result of a diffusion– reaction process in which a hydrous species diffuses inwards and “catalyzes” structural recovery. Nanoscale pores develop, solvent elements such as Ca, Al and Fe are gained, and radiogenic Pb is lost. In both aqueous fluids and melts, replacement of zircon with undamaged structure by a coupled dissolution– reprecipitation process can produce similar textures. The reacted domains usually have lower trace element contents and may contain micrometer-sized pores and inclusions of uranium, thorium and/or yttrium phases, originally in solid solution. Both processes have considerable implications for zircon geochronology.

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Rare Earth Element Behavior in Zircon–Melt Systems

Natural zircon crystals incorporate rare earth elements (REE) into their structure at concentrations determined by the pressure, temperature, and composition of their growth environment. In principle, REE concentrations in magmatic zircon crystals can be used to infer their conditions of growth and the composition of the melt from which they grew—provided accurate information is available about the distribution of REE between zircon and melt. Currently available zircon–melt partitioning data show a range in values covering several orders of magnitude for some REE. Further experimental work and studies using carefully selected natural samples are required to fully understand REE incorporation in zircon.

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Zircon Behaviour in Deeply Subducted Rocks

Zircon is of fundamental importance in the investigation of deeply subducted crustal rocks in which it is a trace constituent. Tiny mineral inclusions within zircon may be the only indicators that rocks were subducted to a depth of up to 150 km. Because zircon is resistant to physical and chemical changes, it preserves stages of the subduction and exhumation history within submillimetre-size grains. Advanced in situ techniques allow us to date zircon domains and to determine their trace element composition. We can thus acquire a detailed knowledge of the temperature–pressure–time paths that these extraordinary rocks have experienced. Zircon studies provide evidence that subduction and exhumation act at plate tectonic speeds of 1–3 cm/year.

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Zircon Behaviour and the Thermal Histories of Mountain Chains

Using the U–Pb geochronology of zircon we can understand the growth and collapse of mountain chains, both recent and ancient. In the hightemperature metamorphic rocks that underlie mountain ranges, zircon may survive from precursor rocks, recrystallize, or grow anew. All these possibilities must be considered in the interpretation of zircon ages. Microtextural characterisation and microanalysis, coupled with considerations of mineral equilibria and trace element distributions between zircon and neighbouring silicate minerals, provide insights into the factors controlling zircon modification and growth. Zircon ages do not usually correspond to the peak of metamorphism but instead provide information on the history of cooling from high temperatures, including the timing and rates of exhumation of the deep roots of mountain chains.

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Zircon as a Monitor of Crustal Growth

Zircon has long played a key role in crustal evolution studies as the preeminent U–Pb geochronometer. Recent advances in analytical capabilities now permit investigations of complex grains at high spatial resolution, where the goal is to link zircon ages to other petrographic and geochemical information. Zircon can provide time-stamped ‘snapshots’ of hafnium and oxygen isotope signatures of magmas throughout Earth’s history, even at the scale of individual growth zones within a single grain. This information is an invaluable help to geochemists trying to distinguish magmatic events that added new, mantle-derived material to the continental crust from those that merely recycled existing crust.

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Zircon Tiny but Timely

Where would Earth science be without zircon? Tiny crystals of zircon occur in many rocks, and because their atomic structure remains stable over very long periods of geological time, they are able to provide a picture of the early history of the Earth and of the evolution of the crust and mantle. Zircon has long been recognized as the best geochronometer using the radioactive decay of uranium to lead. Recent developments in analytical techniques, using small-diameter laser, ion and electron beams, high-precision mass spectrometry and a variety of microscopic imaging methods, allow us to obtain the ages of tiny volumes of complex crystals that record stages in their long growth history. Coupled measurements of the isotopes of oxygen and hafnium provide a mineralogical window into the separation of the Earth’s crust from the mantle and the temperature and character of processes involved in crustal evolution. Zircon is being used to unravel ever more complex geological systems, presenting exciting opportunities for research on this remarkable mineral.

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Ceramic Waste Forms for Actinides

The concept of nuclear waste forms based on minerals that contain actinides has led to the development of polyphase and special-purpose crystalline ceramics. These ceramics are considered by many to be attractive media for the long-term storage of actinides in geological repositories. The available data show that monazite, pyrochlore, zircon, and zirconolite are all highly durable in both natural and synthetic aqueous systems at low temperatures. In comparison, perovskite is prone to dissolution and conversion to anatase and other secondary alteration products. The titanate and silicate phases of interest become metamict (amorphous) as a result of irradiation. Several compounds, including monazite, cubic zirconia, and the defect fluorite structure types with Zr on the B site, exhibit the attractive property of radiation “resistance.” These results, together with other materials properties, are discussed briefly with respect to criteria for waste form performance.

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Nuclear Waste Glasses – How Durable?

High-level nuclear wastes (HLW) are the liquid effluents that result from the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. These wastes are typically solidified in a glass for final disposal in deep geologic formations. At present, there is no geologic repository receiving these vitrified wastes. A primary issue in nuclear waste management is whether there can be societal, regulatory, and political confidence that the radiotoxic constituents of HLW can be safely disposed of for hundreds of thousands of years. If a glass waste form, placed at a depth of hundreds of meters, is stable and essentially insoluble in groundwater, it would be almost impossible for radioactivity to reach the environment. This paper summarizes the state of knowledge of glass performance in a geologic repository and examines the question of whether the long-term stability of the glass and radionuclide retention can be assured.

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Uranium Mineralogy and Neptunium Mobility

Spent nuclear fuel, mainly UO2, is chemically unstable under oxidizing conditions. Alteration occurs by oxidation and hydration and can be rapid and substantial. Uranyl minerals, containing U6+, form when commercial spent fuel is altered in a moist, oxidizing environment. During the alteration and dissolution of the UO2, fission-product radionuclides and transuranium elements are released. Uranyl minerals that form locally as alteration products in a geologic repository may incorporate many of these radionuclides, thereby immobilizing them for lengthy periods and thus improving the long-term performance of the repository. Here we discuss one very important radionuclide, 237Np (half-life = 2.14 million years), and focus on mineralogical studies that probe the potential impact of uranyl minerals on neptunium mobility.

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Spent Nuclear Fuel

The primary waste form resulting from nuclear energy production is spent nuclear fuel (SNF). There are a number of different types of fuel, but they are predominantly uranium based, mainly UO2 or, in some cases, metallic U. The UO2 in SNF is a redox-sensitive semiconductor consisting of a fine-grained (5–10 µm), polycrystalline aggregate containing fission-product and transuranium elements in concentrations of 4 to 6 atomic percent. The challenge is to predict the long-term behavior of UO2 under a range of redox conditions. Experimental results and observations from natural systems, such as the Oklo natural reactors, have been used to assess the long-term performance of SNF.

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