Thematic Articles

Gemology: The Developing Science of Gems

Prompted by the increasing number of laboratory-grown gems and the growing sophistication of treatments of natural stones, gemology has evolved into a science of its own. The discipline is rapidly incorporating relevant aspects of materials science and chemistry, and it is consolidating its activities and its terminology. Gemology is becoming an important area of specialization for mineralogists. If the study of beautiful, fashioned materials seems frivolous to some, it is worth noting that 20 to 25 billion dollars per year are at stake, and the study of natural gem materials and their treated and manufactured counterparts is essential in order to avoid frauds and protect the consumer.

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Acid Activation of Bentonites and Polymer–Clay Nanocomposites

Modified bentonites are of widespread technological importance. Common modifications include acid activation and organic treatment. Acid activation has been used for decades to prepare bleaching earths for adsorbing impurities from edible and industrial oils. Organic treatment has sparked an explosive interest in a class of materials called polymer–clay nanocomposites (PCNs). The most commonly used clay mineral in PCNs is montmorillonite, which is the main constituent of bentonite. PCN materials are used for structural reinforcement and mechanical strength, for gas permeability barriers, as flame retardants, and to minimize surface erosion (ablation). Other specialty applications include use as conducting nanocomposites and bionanocomposites.

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Bentonite Clay Keeps Pollutants at Bay

Increasingly stringent regulation of pollution and waste production worldwide drives the need to isolate contaminants that pose a threat to human and environmental health by using engineered barrier systems. The relatively low cost and wide versatility of reactive barriers favour the use of bentonite as an important component in barrier systems. Current research aims to optimise the performance of bentonite-based barriers under the effects of coupled thermal, mechanical, hydraulic and chemical stresses, for a wide range of pollutants and over long time periods – tens of thousands of years in the case of nuclear waste.

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Bentonite, Bandaids, and Borborygmi

The practice of eating clay for gastrointestinal ailments and applying clay topically as bandaids for skin infections is as old as mankind. Bentonites in particular have been used in traditional medicines, where their function has been established empirically. With modern techniques for nanoscale investigations, we are now exploring the interactions of clay minerals and human pathogens to learn the lessons that Mother Nature has used for healing. The vast surface area and chemical variability of hydrothermally altered bentonites may provide a natural pharmacy of antibacterial agents.

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Geological Aspects and Genesis of Bentonites

Bentonites are clay rocks consisting predominantly of smectite. They form mainly from alteration of pyroclastic and/or volcaniclastic rocks. Extensive deposits, linked to large eruptions, have formed repeatedly in the past. Bentonite layers are useful for stratigraphic correlation and for interpreting the geodynamic evolution of our planet. Bentonites generally form by diagenetic or hydrothermal alteration, favoured by fluids that leach alkali elements and by high Mg content. Smectite composition is partly controlled by parent rock chemistry. Recent studies have shown that bentonite deposits may display cryptic variations in layer charge – i.e. the variations are not visible at the macroscopic scale – and these correlate with physical properties.

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Bentonites – Clays for Molecular Engineering

Smectites are the main components of bentonites; their characteristics define the remarkable range for their uses in industry and technology. Their application depends on their fundamental properties, namely, their atomic structure with a rather flexible crystal lattice, their variable chemical composition, their particle size, and their morphology. The interlayer region of smectites is a favorable target for molecular engineering to design organic and inorganic hybrid materials, including smectite–polymer nanocomposites and pillared complexes of smectite–metal oxides.

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Bentonite and Its Impact on Modern Life

Although bentonite has been used for thousands of years, most of its current uses were developed after 1900. Today it is a key raw material in the production of energy and steel, and in numerous other common products and applications that are critical to the world economy. This article reviews several of these important bentonite uses and describes some basic principles of bentonite exploration, mining, and processing.

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The Poles of the Moon

The lunar poles feature a microenvironment that is almost entirely unknown to planetary science. Because of the very small tilt of the Moon’s axis with respect to the Sun, craters and other depressions near the poles are permanently shaded from direct sunlight. As a consequence, these surfaces should have maintained extremely low temperatures, well under 100 K, for billions of years. There is some evidence that these surfaces act as cold traps, capturing and sequestering volatiles from the Moon and elsewhere. Most popular attention has focused on the possible presence of water ice that might be used by astronauts in the future, but the poles may offer a unique scientific resource. Possible sources for volatiles at the lunar poles range from the Sun to interstellar clouds, and if present, such volatile deposits may provide unique information about many aspects of planetary science.

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The Interior Structure of the Moon: What Does Geophysics Have to Say?

Geophysical data obtained from orbit and surface stations show that the Moon is a differentiated body possessing a crust, mantle, and core. The crust is on average about 40 km thick, and impact events with asteroids and comets have excavated materials to great depths within the crust. Moonquakes that are correlated in time with Earth-raised tides occur about halfway to the center of the Moon and suggest that the deepest portion of the mantle might be partially molten. The lunar core is relatively small in comparison with the cores of the terrestrial planets, with a size less than one-quarter of the Moon’s radius.

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Lunar Mare Volcanism: Where Did the Magmas Come From?

The first rocks to be returned from the Moon by the Apollo 11 astronauts were basalts from the mare basins. Analysis of these rocks led to the hypothesis that the mare lavas were remelts of a lunar interior that had experienced an early, profound chemical differentiation event produced by crystallization of a planet-wide lunar magma ocean. As Apollo missions continued to explore and sample the lunar surface, an increasingly diverse suite of mare volcanic rocks was discovered. Mare magmatism is concentrated in the time interval of 3.8 to 3.0 billion years before present. Among the samples were tiny, glassy spheres of ultramafic composition that formed during volcanic fire-fountain eruptions into the cold lunar vacuum. The results of high-pressure and high-temperature laboratory melting experiments on lunar mare basalts and volcanic glasses, along with geochemical evidence and physical modeling, affirm that remelting of the solidified products of a deep magma ocean still provides the best explanation for lunar maria magmas. However, the initial depth of the lunar magma ocean, the physical processes that accompanied solidification, and the heat source for remelting cumulates to form these late basaltic outpourings remain incompletely understood and present challenging problems for current researchers.

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