Thematic Articles

The Lunar Cataclysm: Reality or “Mythconception”?

The impact history of the Moon has significant implications that go far beyond simply excavating the surface of a dry and lifeless world. The age distribution of lunar impact breccias inspired the idea of a catastrophic influx of asteroids and comets about 4 billion years ago and motivated new models of planetary dynamics. A late bombardment may have regulated environmental conditions on the early Earth and Mars and influenced the course of biologic evolution. The cataclysm hypothesis is controversial, however, and far from proven. Lunar explorers face the difficult task of establishing absolute ages of ancient impact basins and the sources for the impactors.

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Ancient Lunar Crust: Origin, Composition, and Implications

Samples from the Apollo (USA) and Luna (Soviet) missions and from lunar meteorites, coupled with remote sensing data, reveal that the ancient highlands of the Moon are compositionally diverse. The average surface material contains 80 vol% plagioclase. A major suite of rocks, the ferroan anorthosites, averages 96 vol% plagioclase. The feldspathic composition reflects plagioclase flotation in a magma ocean. Late-stage REE-rich magma pooled in the Procellarum region of the lunar nearside. The concentration of heat-producing elements in this region triggered mantle melting and overturn of the cumulate pile, forming two more suites of chemically distinct highland rocks, the magnesian and alkali suites.

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Scientific Exploration of the Moon

The Moon is a geochemically differentiated object. It has a feldspathic crust (highlands regions) composed of three petrological suites. Underlying that crust is a compositionally heterogeneous upper mantle from which ferrobasalts and picrites (mare regions) were generated. Lunar samples retain a memory of the time-dependent flux of meteorites and comets, which has implications for the origin of sustainable life on Earth and the orbital evolution of the outer planets. Permanently shadowed regions at the lunar poles may contain reservoirs of volatile ices, which would have important resource potential for scientific bases. Geophysical data show that the Moon has a thick, seismically active lithosphere, a partially molten zone beneath that lithosphere, and a small metallic core. The pace of scientific exploration has quickened since 2003 with the successes of spacecraft from Europe, Japan, the People’s Republic of China, and India. Upcoming launches of spacecraft from these same nations and the United States herald a new era of lunar discoveries.

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Biogenic Uraninite Nanoparticles and Their Importance for Uranium Remediation

Biogenic uraninite is of interest to geoscientists for its importance to bioremediation strategies, remarkably small particle size, and biological origin. Recent studies have begun to illuminate the chemical/structural complexities of this important natural nanomaterial. Intriguingly, in spite of its incredibly diminutive size, the molecular-scale structure, energetics, and surfacearea-normalized dissolution rates of hydrated biogenic uraninite appear to be similar to those of coarser-particle, abiotic, stoichiometric UO2. These findings have important implications for the role of size as a moderator of nanoparticle aqueous reactivity and for the bioremediation of subsurface U (VI) contamination.

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Iron Oxides as Geochemical Nanovectors for Metal Transport in Soil–River Systems

Topsoils are often contaminated by trace metals, and it is important to understand how different processes govern the transport of such metals to fresh and marine waters. This paper presents measurements of natural nanoparticles and colloidal organic matter in soil and river samples from Germany and Sweden. In our analytical approach, a nanoparticle separation technique is combined with multielement detection and applied to soil and river samples to link the macroscale field observations with detailed molecular studies in the laboratory. It was determined that lead is associated with iron oxide colloids, which are ubiquitous nanoparticles that can be efficiently transported. Eventually both iron oxides and lead are removed by flocculation under conditions of estuarine mixing. Iron-rich nanoparticles compete efficiently with natural organic matter (NOM) complexation for lead binding in both the soil and river systems studied.

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Iron Oxides as Geochemical Nanovectors for Metal Transport in Soil–River Systems Read More »

Nanoparticles in the Soil Environment

Soils contain many kinds of inorganic and organic particles with at least one dimension in the nanoscale or colloidal range (<100 nm). Well-known examples are clay minerals, metal (hydr)oxides, and humic substances, while allophane and imogolite are abundant in volcanic soils. Apparently, only a small proportion of nanoparticles in soil occur as discrete entities. Organic colloids in soil, for example, are largely associated with their inorganic counterparts or form coatings over mineral surfaces. For this reason, individual nanoparticles are difficult to separate and collect from the bulk soil, and extraction yields are generally low. By the same token, the characterization of soil nanoparticles often requires advanced analytical and spectroscopic techniques. Because of their large surface area and the presence of surface defects and dislocations, nanoparticles in soil are very reactive towards external solute molecules. The focus of research in recent years has been on the interactions of nanoparticles with environmental pollutants and on their impact on the movement, fate, and bioavailability of contaminants.><100 nm). Well-known examples are clay minerals, metal (hydr) oxides, and humic substances, while allophane and imogolite are abundant in volcanic soils. Apparently, only a small proportion of nanoparticles in soil occur as discrete entities. Organic colloids in soil, for example, are largely associated with their inorganic counterparts or form coatings over mineral surfaces. For this reason, individual nanoparticles are difficult to separate and collect from the bulk soil, and extraction yields are generally low. By the same token, the characterization of soil nanoparticles often requires advanced analytical and spectroscopic techniques. Because of their large surface area and the presence of surface defects and dislocations, nanoparticles in soil are very reactive towards external solute molecules. The focus of research in recent years has been on the interactions of nanoparticles with environmental pollutants and on their impact on the movement, fate, and bioavailability of contaminants.

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Nanoparticles in the Atmosphere

The most continuous and intimate contact the average person has with nanoparticles is almost surely through the air, which is replete with them. Nanoparticles are being generated continuously and in large numbers by vehicles and industries in urban areas and by vegetation and sea spray in rural areas. Volcanoes are sporadic sources of huge numbers. Nanoparticles have large surface area to volume ratios and react rapidly in the atmosphere, commonly growing into particles large enough to interact with radiation and to have serious consequences for visibility and local, regional, and global climate. They also have potentially significant health effects.

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Structure, Chemistry, and Properties of Mineral Nanoparticles

Nanoparticle properties can show marked departures from their bulk analog materials, including large differences in chemical reactivity, molecular and electronic structure, and mechanical behavior. The greatest changes are expected at the smallest sizes, e.g. 10 nanometers and less, where surface effects are likely to dominate bonding, shape, and energy considerations. The precise chemistry at nanoparticle interfaces can have a profound effect on structure, phase transformations, strain, and reactivity. Certain phases may exist only as nanoparticles, requiring transformations in chemistry, stoichiometry, and structure with evolution to larger sizes. In general, mineral nanoparticles have been little studied.

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Nanogeoscience: From Origins to Cutting-Edge Applications

At first glance, nano and Earth seem about as far apart as one can imagine. Nanogeoscience seems to be a word connecting opposites. But to a growing number of Earth scientists, this term makes sense. Although relatively difficult to detect and study, natural nanomaterials are ubiquitous in nature. Their properties are often different (sometimes dramatically different) from those of the same material at a larger size. In many cases, larger equivalents do not even exist. By understanding natural nanomaterials, we can acquire another perspective from which to view Earth’s chemical and physical properties. Important insights into local, regional, and even global phenomena await our understanding of processes that are relevant at the smallest scales of Earth science research.

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Mineral Carbonation of CO2

Asurvey of the global carbon reservoirs suggests that the most stable, long-term storage mechanism for atmospheric CO2 is the formation of carbonate minerals such as calcite, dolomite and magnesite. The feasibility is demonstrated by the proportion of terrestrial carbon bound in these minerals: at least 40,000 times more carbon is present in carbonate rocks than in the atmosphere. Atmospheric carbon can be transformed into carbonate minerals either ex situ, as part of an industrial process, or in situ, by injection into geological formations where the elements required for carbonate-mineral formation are present. Many challenges in mineral carbonation remain to be resolved. They include overcoming the slow kinetics of mineral–fluid reactions, dealing with the large volume of source material required and reducing the energy needed to hasten the carbonation process. To address these challenges, several pilot studies have been launched, including the CarbFix program in Iceland. The aim of CarbFix is to inject CO2 into permeable basaltic rocks in an attempt to form carbonate minerals directly through a coupled dissolution– precipitation process.

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