Thematic Articles

Cave and Speleothem Science: From Local to Planetary Scales

Caves occur everywhere on our planet, from the tropics to the high latitudes and from below sea level to alpine settings. Cave morphologies provide clues to their formation mechanisms, and their iconic mineralogical features—stalagmites and stalactites—carry a wealth of paleoenvironmental information encoded in their geochemistry and mineralogy. Recent work demonstrates a striking improvement in our ability to decode these paleoenvironmental proxies, and dramatic geochronological advances enable higher resolution records that extend further back in geologic time. Cave research addresses an ever-increasing range of geoscience problems, from establishing the timing and mechanisms of climate change to uncovering detailed records of geomagnetic field behavior.

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Imaging with Neutrons

By exploiting the penetration, attenuation, and scattering properties of neutrons, images of matter in two or three dimensions reveal information unobtainable using other probes. Despite the limitation in brilliance of neutron sources, several neutron-based imaging techniques are essential to different aspects of modern geoscience. Typical examples include the evaluation of porosity in rocks and sediments, mapping of light elements in solids, noninvasive probing of cultural heritage objects, investigations of thick engineering components, and the exploration of diffusion and percolation processes of fluids within porous matrices, organo-inorganic composites, and living organisms. Techniques under development include simultaneous neutron and X-ray tomography in heterogeneous media, Bragg-edge imaging, and the possibility of porosimetry from dark-field imaging.

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Probing Phase Transitions and Magnetism in Minerals with Neutrons

The development of sophisticated sample environments to control temperature, pressure, and magnetic field has grown in parallel with neutron source and instrumentation development. High-pressure apparatus, with high- and low-temperature capability, novel designs for diamond cells, and large volume presses are matched with next-generation neutron sources and moderator designs to provide unprecedented neutron beam brightness. Recent developments in sample environments are expanding the pressure–temperature space accessible to neutron scattering experiments. Researchers are using new capabilities and an increased understanding of the fundamentals of structural and magnetic transitions to explore new territories, including hydrogenous minerals (e.g., ices and hydrates) and magnetic structural phase diagrams.

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Probing Phase Transitions and Magnetism in Minerals with Neutrons Read More »

Probing the Structure of Melts, Glasses, and Amorphous Materials

Liquids, glasses, and amorphous materials are ubiquitous in the Earth sciences and are intrinsic to a plethora of geological processes, ranging from volcanic activity, deep Earth melting events, metasomatic processes, frictional melting (pseudotachylites), lighting strikes (fulgurites), impact melting (tektites), hydrothermal activity, aqueous solution geochemistry, and the formation of dense high-pressure structures. However, liquids and glassy materials lack the long-range order that characterizes crystalline materials, and studies of their structure require a different approach to that of conventional crystallography. The pair distribution function is the neutron diffraction technique used to characterize liquid and amorphous states. When combined with atomistic models, neutron diffraction techniques can determine the properties and behavior of disordered structures.

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Nanoscale Structure and Dynamics in Geochemical Systems

Neutron scattering is a powerful tool to elucidate the structure and dynamics of systems that are important to geochemists, including ion association in complex aqueous solutions, solvent-exchange reactions at mineral–water interfaces, and reaction and transport of fluids in nanoporous materials. This article focusses on three techniques: neutron diffraction, which can reveal the atomic-level structure of aqueous solutions and solids; quasi-elastic neutron scattering, which measures the diffusional dynamics at mineral–water interfaces; and small-angle neutron scattering, which can show how properties of nanoporous systems change during gas, liquid, and solute imbibition and reaction. The usefulness and applicability of the experimental results are extended by rigorous comparison to computational simulations.

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Where is the Hydrogen?

How is hydrogen distributed among minerals and how is it bonded in their crystal structures? These are important questions, because the amount of hydrogen and the bonding configuration of hydrogen in crystalline materials governs many of that material’s properties: its thermal and compressional behavior, P–T phase stability, rheology, and electrical conductivity. A reliable reconstruction of the Earth’s interior, or the prediction of mineral transformations in complex industrial processes, must account for these parameters. Neutron diffraction can locate hydrogen sites in mineral structures, reveal any static or dynamic hydrogen disorder, help define the libration regime of hydrogen, and elucidate hydrogen-bonding configurations. Thus, that most elusive element for X-ray probes is perfectly detectable using neutrons.

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Neutrons “101” – A Primer for Earth Scientists

The fundamental properties of the neutron make it a powerful tool for Earth science investigations because neutrons provide information that cannot be obtained by any other research method. This is because neutrons are magnetically sensitive, nondestructive, and sensitive to the lighter elements, such as hydrogen. They provide a unique, nondestructive method for obtaining information ranging from Ångstrom-scale atomic structures (and related motions) to micron-scale material strain, stress, and texture, and even up to meso-scale porous matrices and defects in materials and functional components. In this article, we introduce neutrons and their unique properties, neutron production and sources, and provide an overview of the different types of neutron methods applicable to the Earth sciences.

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High Carbonate Alkalinity Lakes on Mars and their Potential Role in an Origin of Life Beyond Earth

The exploration of Mars has revealed that its ancient surface hosted lakes with a dazzling array of chemical and physical conditions and processes. The potential habitability of surface waters has driven studies aimed at understanding whether or not Mars once hosted life. High levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide are probable on early Mars, which means that lakes derived from weathering fluids could have contained substantial carbonate alkalinity. Recent studies show that lakes with high carbonate alkalinity are able to concentrate the phosphate and cyanide that are critical for molecular synthesis in the origin of life. While evidence for carbonate-rich Martian lakes remains limited, NASA’s Perseverance rover may reveal clues about the past existence of such waters in Jezero Crater.

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The Vigor, Futility, and Application of Microbial Element Cycles in Alkaline Soda Lakes

Alkaline soda lakes are known as some of nature’s most biologically productive ecosystems. Vigorous production (photosynthetic conversion of inorganic carbon into biomass) is countered by incremental biomass degradation, which fuels and feeds a diverse microbial community. Learn here about key adaptations that help microbes survive and thrive in the extreme conditions of alkaline soda lakes. Dive into the interconnected microbial element cycles of alkaline soda lakes and discover how the geochemistry of these environments presents microbes with unique challenges and opportunities. Throughout this article, explore how the microbial inhabitants of alkaline soda lakes have been harnessed in biotechnological applications, including the production of protein-rich food, detergent enzymes, and the purification of biogas.

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Making Salt from Water: The Unique Mineralogy of Alkaline Lakes

Alkaline lakes have some of the most unique and diverse known mineral assemblages as a result of their very high pH and dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations. In these closed-basin systems, aqueous geochemistry and mineralogy are intimately linked, whereby the removal of elements through mineral precipitation controls the lake water geochemistry. The resulting extreme water chemistry of alkaline lakes produces minerals that are rare in other environments, including low-temperature minerals that record valuable environmental information and that are commonly extracted as mineral resources. Alkaline lakes are also excellent environments to study various processes in mineral crystallization, growth, and transformation, including the formation of metastable phases, precipitation after extreme supersaturation, co-precipitation of minerals, and the influence of dynamic conditions.

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