Events Calendar

Second Italian Workshop on Fluid and Melt Inclusions, IWI 2024
The Botanical Garden of Palermo, Sicily, Italy, will host the Second Italian Workshop on Fluid and Melt Inclusions (IWI 2024), on November 12, 13, and 14, 2024. The event is organized by the Department of Earth and Marine Sciences (DISTEM) of the University of Palermo, under the patronage of the University of Palermo (Unipa), the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology (SIMP), and the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV). Among the partners and sponsors are the Italian Association of Volcanology (AIV), the Italian Society of Geochemistry (So.Ge.I), the company PetroLab, specialized in the preparation of thin sections, and the Italian Gemological Review (IGR) as a media partner.
The primary aim of the workshop is to bring together experts and enthusiasts of Fluid Inclusions (FI) and Melt Inclusions (MI) to explore various topics, such as the identification, characterization, and application of FI and MI in both scientific and commercial contexts. The scientific committee, composed of young researchers from various European universities and research institutes, has proposed four thematic sessions that encompass many scientific and disciplinary fields of Earth Sciences:
T-01: Fluid and melt inclusions as tracers of geodynamic processes.
T-02: Fluid and melt inclusions as tracers of deep and shallow magmatic processes.
T-03: Resources and reserves, fluid and melt inclusions as a method of investigation for exploration.
T-04: Fluid inclusions in gemological materials and cultural heritage.
The sessions will be introduced by various invited speakers from Italian universities and research institutions. A significant innovation of this second edition is the creation of an abstract book with DOI, in collaboration with Plinius editorial, along with additional initiatives such as a visit to the INGV laboratories in Palermo. This will contribute to the success of the event and attract a greater number of young students, PhD candidates, and researchers.