From the Editors 2011

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v7n6 From the Editors

By Pierrette Tremblay, Fred Jourdan, rodney C. Ewing, Wolf uwe reimold Anhuai lu | December, 2011

It’s hard to believe, but with this issue we have covered 41 topics in the earth sciences. some issues have been devoted to single minerals (diamond, zircon, bentonite, gold), elements (arsenic, platinum group elements, sulfur), societal issues (e.g. global water sustainability), and frontier topics (e.g. mineral magnetism, cosmochemistry) of wide appeal to our community. the skeptics who pronounced that we would soon run out of topics have worried needlessly: 2012 is fully booked (see our preview in the next two pages), some topics are already slated for 2013, and there is a steady stream of interesting proposals coming our way.

v7n5 From the Editors

By Pierrette Tremblay, Georges Calas, Hap McSween, Tim Drever | October, 2011

You can read a full report on the Goldschmidt 2011 Conference on pages 356–357. Prague was a wonderful venue. Participants convened daily at the Prague Conference Center, with its marvelous view of the city. Elements had a booth at Goldschmidt for the first time. Many thanks to all who found and stopped by our tucked-away location (a glitch!): your comments and suggestions were most appreciated. A highlight of the conference was the Fukushima special session, and an issue of Elements is in preparation for next year, with several speakers at that session as authors.

v7n4 From the Editors

By Pierrette Tremblay, | August, 2011

 John Valley has accepted our invitation to join the editorial team, starting officially in January 2012. He will replace Hap McSween, whose term ends at the end of 2011. We will welcome John formally in the f i rst issue of 2012. In the meantime, he is being integrated into the team and participates in all discussions.

v7n3 From the Editors

Pierrette Tremblay | June, 2011

Many publishers have several books dealing with water. What could an issue of Elements contribute in its 36 pages of thematic content? Guest Editors Hering, Zhu, and Oelkers have chosen to cover some key issues in which mineralogists and geochemists can contribute meaningfully.

v7n2 From the Editors

By Pierrette Tremblay, Richard A. J. Cox, Dr John F. W. Bowles  | April, 2011

On March 11, a horrified world watched the images of devastation following the earthquake and tsunami that struck the northeast coast of Japan. Since then, we have all admired the resilience and courage of the Japanese people amid the destruction. We continue to watch daily the events unfolding at the Fukushima nuclear power station in the aftermath of the tsunami.

v7n1 From the Editors

By Pierrette Tremblay, Mark J. Logsdon | February, 2011

Beginning in 2011, Georges Calas joins Elements’ editorial team. Georges is Chair of Mineralogy at the University Institute of France and a professor at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris. His research centers on structure/property relationships related to the transition elements and radiation defects in minerals and glasses. His current interests include environ mental mineralogy, nuclear waste management, and mineral resources. Georges graduated from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint Cloud (now the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon). He earned a PhD from UPMC. He was a professor at the Université Paris Diderot, where he headed the Earth Sciences Department. He was a Cox Visiting Professor at Stanford and later joined UPMC. He is a past president of SFMC and a past vice president of EMU, and he is on the Board of Directors of the BRGM (French Geological Survey). He has chaired the IMA Commission on Physics of Minerals, has been an associate editor of The Canadian Mineralogist, and is scientific editor of Terra Nova. He has received awards from the French Academy of Sciences, the Société Géologique de France, and the Mineralogical Society, and he is a fellow of the MSA, the EAG/GS, and the Society of Glass Technology. We are delighted to welcome Georges as Elements’ newest editor.

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