From the Editors 2015

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v11n6 From the Editors

By Patricia Dove, Gordon Brown, and Bernie Wood, Jodi Rosso | Octobert, 2015

In our final issue of 2015, we like to take a moment to extend our appreciation to the guest editors and authors who contributed to the six issues of volume 11. These men and women not only succeeded at writing compelling articles for Elements‘ scientifically diverse audience and in adhering to the journal’s deadlines and guidelines, but they were also patient with our editorial staffing changes. We also thank our feature editors (Ian Parsons, Penelope King, Michael Wiedenbeck, Cari Corrigan, David Vaughan, Andrea Koziol, and Pierrette Tremblay) who volunteer their valuable time to produce the Parting Shots, A Life in Science, The Elements Toolkit, CosmoElements, Mineralogy Matters, the Calendar, and People in the News.

v11n5 From the Editors

By Barb Dutrow | Octobert, 2015

Once per year, representatives from the 17 participating societies of the Elements family meet in person for the annual Executive Committee (EC) meeting. This year, nine society representatives or their substitutes (see photo) attended the meeting on Sunday, 16 August, pre ceding the 2015 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference in Prague, Czech Republic. The EC’s primary responsibility is for the financial oversight of Elements magazine, which includes an array of associated issues.

v11n4 From the Editors

By Jodi Rosso, Gordon Brown | August, 2015

This issue is focused on the impacts of geo chemistry, so it is a good occasion to update our readers on the “impact” of Elements. Elements was designed to impact our community by delivering a high-quality scientific magazine that delivers thematic review articles, opinion pieces, society news articles, advertisements for products and services related to our community, job postings, book reviews, and topical features (see below).

v11n3 From the Editors

By  | June, 2015

Elements will be at the 2015 Goldschmidt Conference in Prague, Czech Republic. Come visit us (booth #6)! This will be an occasion for you to meet our editorial team and visit with colleagues. Be sure to invite colleagues and students who do not currently receive Elements to visit the booth as well. We will have information about our member societies, details on how to receive Elements, and we will have back issues available for purchase.

v11n2 From the Editors

By Trish Dove, Gordon Brown, Bernie Wood, and Jodi Rosso | April, 2015

With this issue, John Valley retires as a principal editor of Elements. During his tenure, he was in charge of the following issues: Granitic Pegmatites (v8n4), One Hundred Years of Isotope Geochronology (v9n1), Continental Crust at Mantle Depths (v9n4), Asteroids: Linking Meteorites and Planets (v10n1), Ophiolites (v10n2), and Arc Magmatic Tempos (v11n2). John has been a vital asset to Elements for many years. In addition to serving as a principal editor, he was a guest editor in 2006 (Early Earth, v2n4) and a member of the advisory board (2004–2007). The Elements family has greatly benefited from John’s guidance, hard work, and enthusiasm. Thank you John for all you have done to help make Elements the most readable and authoritative magazine in mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry!

v11n1 From the Editors

By John Valley, Trish Dove, Gordon Brown, Bernie Wood, Pierrette Tremblay, and Jodi Rosso | February, 2015

The Elements editorial team is in the midst of transition. Pierrette Tremblay has “officially” retired after 10 years at the helm of Elements. Tom Clark, our faithful copy editor, is retiring. So, we thought it appropriate to ask Pierrette and Tom to write this issue’s Parting Shots article. Dolores Durant, our dedicated proofreader, will also be retiring after this issue.

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