Serpentinite Carbonation for CO2 Sequestration

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Serpentinites offer a highly reactive feedstock for carbonation reactions and the capacity to sequester carbon dioxide (CO2) on a global scale. CO2 can be sequestered in mined serpentinite using high-temperature carbonation reactors, by carbonating alkaline mine wastes, or by subsurface reaction through CO2 injection into serpentinite-hosted aquifers and serpentinized peridotites. Natural analogues to serpentinite carbonation, such as exhumed hydrothermal systems, alkaline travertines, and hydromagnesite– magnesite playas, provide insights into geochemical controls on carbonation rates that can guide industrial CO2 sequestration. The upscaling of existing technologies that accelerate serpentinite carbonation may prove sufficient for offsetting local industrial emissions, but global-scale implementation will require considerable incentives and further research and development.

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