How to Subscribe to Elements

Institutional subscriptions

There are three ways an institution can subscribe to Elements.

1. Subscribe to GeoScienceWorld

Elements is included in a subscription to GeoScienceWorld, a nonprofit collaborative and comprehensive Internet resource for research and communications in the Earth sciences. A subscription to this resource gives you access to not only Elements but also access to 46 full-text scholarly journals in the geosciences, with specialized searching capabilities and links to millions of relevant resources hosted elsewhere on the Web.

Learn more about GeoScienceWorld at

2. Subscribe to a society journal and get Elements in addition

Institutions will receive a subscription to Elements with a subscription to one or several of the following journals offered through the Mineralogical Society of America or the Mineralogical Association of Canada.

3. Subscription to Elements only

If you do not wish to subscribe to GeoScienceWorld or any of the above journals or if you wish an additional subscription, use the Elements order form for an institutional subscription or contact the executive editor.

2023 publication information sheet

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