Société Française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie
The Société Française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie (SFMC; French Society of Mineralogy and Crystallography) was founded on March 21, 1878. The purpose of the Society is to promote mineralogy and crystallography. The Society organizes and supports the organization of scientific meetings, workshops, helps young researchers to attend such events, and awards annually the Haüy-Lacroix PhD prize. Membership benefits include the European Journal of Mineralogy and Elements.
It’s simple. Renewals and membership applications (for new members) can be made online. Alternatively, you can print, fill out and send the contribution file below, along with the payment method of your choice.
According to the statutes of the SFMC, new members must be sponsored by two members of the Society. In the absence of sponsorship, membership is subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
To renew its membership in the SFMC: Membership renewal
As a member of the SFMC, you will receive the magazine “Elements“, you will have access to the electronic version of the European Journal of Mineralogy, and you will receive a discount on the works and the events of the SFMC. You will also be able to use the electronic mailing list of the SFMC.
You can deduct from your taxes a significant portion of your donations and contributions to the SFMC. Get more information on tax deductions .